Here is a short list synopsis of what we do in our 1.5% listing
You can click on this link to get more details of our listing program
Professional photography, 3 D Walkthrough Tour, Neighborhood Video, Home Video, floor plan, drone photos and video if it seems worth while, with 3 videos being placed on RMLS for people can see them, plus we post them on Social Media, our google site, and more. The home will have it’s own website that people can go to to see everything together
Lots of creative advertising, see details be clicking on this
Mother and 2 daughter team, that work together, to get everything done, each of us having over 20 years experience doing Real Estate.
Wendy and I are also very strong negotiators for you on price, repairs and all other aspects that have to be negotiated during sale. See our details page to learn more.
Both Wendy and I have years of experience working together with both buyers and sellers, we started our company in 2006 together, and we not afraid to fight for you! We really care about our clients and want what is best to you. This is our family business! 5 of us are directly involved in it.
I also have years of experience in home building, remodeling, inspections and all aspects of real estate, so we have the knowledge to be able to help fight unfair repair addendums, explain complicated repair issues, understand inspection reports and explain them to both you and the other realtor, and if repairs are needed. You can learn more about our experience by clicking here
I contractors that I have found over the years, who are honest and fairly priced! If you want to learn why I do what I do, how long I’ve been doing it, and exactly what we do, Go to our details page
If you want me to come meet with you and explain it all to you, give you a free CMA, or have any other needs or questions, you can email me at [email protected] or call or text me at 503-998-4429
There is a chart at the end of the details page that shows how much you will save by using our service, by both commission percent and by price of home.
There is also a short section near the end of the details page that addresses the lawsuit against NAR and some other large real estate companies. I am in the process of writing a page that explains what is going on with that lawsuit, and will put a link as soon as it is finished.
When I first started my company in 2006, I wanted to be fair to my clients. Charging 6% or 7% did not seem fair! When I bought my first house, it only cost $28,000, and realtors charged 6%, but had to do so much more. Nothing was online, everything had to be done manually, or by driving to get signatures, you had to pay for photo developing, print advertising, no email or online ads….it took so much more work and cost more to list a house and market it. When I got my real estate license in 1998, things were changing fast. Everything was going online, and if you were creative, you could do a better job for less money. Plus houses were averaging $200000. Now they are averaging $600000, and realtors still charge the same! That is why I decided, way back then, to do 1.5% commissions, and have been doing it ever since!
Now there is a lawsuit against NAR, REMAX and some of the big Real Estate companies because of the way commissions have been calculated over the years, and I totally understand why. I believe in what we do, have never considered us to be a discount listing company because we have always done full service listings- we just do it for less! We have sold over 1000 houses since 2006, and have over 140 5 star ratings on google, Zillow, and Yelp.
You can see our reviews, just click on this link to go to review page- We have over 70 – 5 star review on google, and over 70 – 5 star reviews on zillow, plus several on Yelp and other places. I don’t ask for reviews very often, but sometimes people just want to write them! You can find them if you go to zillow and search for Helen Hoyt and then go down to reviews, or go to our google business site and go down to reviews.
Breakdown on how much you save
This is kind of an older chart, but it does give you an idea as to how much you can save by using us. If we only charge 1.5% to list your house, and the buyer wants 2.5% See our page on how the NAR lawsuit has changed real estate commissions…..and buyers are still wanting sellers to pay 2.5 or more in commissions, you can see how much you save by using us. Below is a chart showing different home prices. If a realtor charges you 3% to list, which would 6% Realtor keeps 3.5% commission, the 7% realtor keeps 4.5%, we keep 1.5%, and we all pay the buyer’s agent 2.5%’ except when we sell your house in house, then you pay a total of 2% commission. The amounts, based on different sales prices, paid for both the buyers agent and sellers agent, are below. The first column is the commission percentage, and below that you can see the breakdown by sales price for 4%, 6% and 7%. The 2% commission is how much you would pay if we are the only real estate company involved in transaction. If you have questions about this chart, you can email or call me.
4%, which is 1.5% for us & 2.5% buyer agent 6% which is 3.5% listing, 2.5% buyer 7%, which is 4.5% listing, 2.5% buyer
Commissions you will pay on a $600000 house
$24,000 $36,000 $42,000
Commissions on a $700000 house
$28,000 $42,000 $49,000
Commissions on a $800,000 house
$32,000 $48,000 $56,000
Commissions on a $500,000 house
$20,000 $30,000 $35,000
Commissions on a $400,000 house
$16,000 $24,000 $28,000
Commissions on a $1,000,000 house
$40,000 $60,000 $70,000
As you can see, you save a huge amount of money if you have us list and sell your house, but you do not give up any services, in fact, in some cases, we do more!