List of our company’s current houses for sale in Portland
We would love to help you find a house! Just email, call or text us, and we can talk to you about what you are looking for, send you listings in areas you might like that fit your criteria, or you can send us houses that you like, and ask us to tell you about the area, the house, or ask to see it! We would love to show you any houses you might want to see.
Below are our current listings that our company has. You can click on the address link to take you to our page so you can see all the photos, and a video of the neighborhood. I have also put the video links below the address so you can see what we do for each of our listings
12420 SW Berryhill Ln, Beaverton OR 97008
$700000, went pending in 4 days, 6 offers, bid up $50000
1878SF, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, .3 acres
See the website we created for the house, with floorplan, photos, walk through video and slide show, you can click on which thing you want to see at the top of the page. It has photos, walk through, floor plan and more
10860 SE Lenore St, Happy Valley, 97086
$860000 Got offer in 2 weeks, but it was bumpable, got multiple offers within 4 weeks, got bid up $20,000
4387SF, 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, .19 Acres
House has it’s own website with floorplan, photos, walk through video and slide show, you can click on which thing you want to see at the top of the page. It has photos, walk through, floor plan and more
4808 SE 91st Ave, Portland OR 97220
$420000 got offers within 4 days, got bid up $8000
1378SF, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, .12 acres