
Lisa been a realtor since 2006 – and have always loved looking at houses, remodeling, decorating and making a house into a home.

I’ve helped my mom with remodeling, building and fixing ever since I could remember. I used to be out in my dad’s shop with him as he built, created and fixed… from the time I was 2 years old! It was my favorite place to be.

I also love to travel. So when I graduated high school, I went to International Air Academy– and worked for the airlines for several years. It was a lot of fun- I went all over the place. My favorite trip was to Singapore and Malaysia. I learned a lot about customer service working for the airlines- how to get things done, take the initiative when there are problems. Being a go-getter! But the airlines didn’t pay much- so I went on to be a corporate travel agent- helping travelers from big companies like Hewlett Packard etc. I loved working in the travel industry… until I got pregnant and had my son, Oliver. Then I realized I just couldn’t leave him 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. My mom and sisters were all realtors- and they suggested I get my real estate license- and they would all help me with Oliver. So I did! And I love it!

Lisa got her license in November 2006.

My first month I sold 4 houses! And have been going strong ever since! I especially like to help young families who either have little ones or want to have a family. We bought our first house in 2004- for $105,0000. We remodeled it, refinished wood floors, new kitchen, remodeled bathroom. It’s was lot of fun. We lived there for 3 years and then we sold it and bought a larger, Old Portland style home in SE Portland.

I love older homes, and all the neighborhoods on the inner east side of Portland… the history, the cute little streets, the neighborhood businesses, shops, restaurants… making it easy to walk and bike everywhere. I especially like the neighborhoods on the east side- since I lived there, I am really familiar with the neighborhoods- I lived in Lents for 6 years- which is in the urban renewal program. I think SE Portland is a great place for young families to live- it’s still affordable, the David Douglas School system has great schools- you can get low cost home improvement loans if you live in the urban renewal areas, and there are still a lot of cute old houses! Now I live in SW Portland, so pretty much work all over the greater Portland area!

Lisa ‘s husband, Lyle, joined our family team in August of 2014- so we are now a husband and wife team as well as a mother-daughters-family team! It has truly become our life! We had a baby, Hazel, the end of 2013, so I am taking a brief break from full time real estate so I can spend more time with Hazel and Oliver- but I am still working alongside Lyle, helping him get the experience and knowledge he needs, and soon I will be selling again full time! I love working with buyers, helping them find the perfect house is such a great feeling. So if you are first time home buyers looking for a house to either start your family, or move your family to- I’d love to help you.