Portland is divided into north and south at Burnside- and east and west at the Willamette River. So the SE Portland Neighborhoods goes from the Willamette River east all the way to the edge of Gresham, and from Burnside it goes south all the way to Milwaukie. There are lots of diverse and unique neighborhoods within this subdivision ofSE Portland Neighborhoods – from quirky eclectic Hawthorne to gorgeous and stately Eastmoreland. The SE Portland Neighborhoods history has been preserved in almost all of these neighborhoods; Portland is fiercely protective and proud of it’s history. Oregonians were the early pioneers who came across the country in covered wagons, strong, proud entrepreneur types who wanted a better life. When they got here, they built it, and that history is part of the fabric that is in every Portlander. I guess that is why the SE Portland Neighborhoods have been protected, preserved and restored.

They fight fiercely to protect the historic homes the parks and green spaces, and even the trees! Portlanders believe in being green caring for the environment, having their lifestyle walkable, bikable or they want access to public transportation. There is a community closeness in each of the SE Portland Neighborhoods, fostered and nurtured by the little local cafes, restaurants and shops. It helps the people get to know each other, and want to take care of their whole neighborhood! Here is a guide to most of the SE neighborhoods of Portland. You can learn more about each individual neighborhood of SE Portland Neighborhoods , what it has to offer, the lifestyle, parks, schools, history and anything else I thought would be important to someone who was trying to decide where they wanted to live. And if you would like to see any houses in any of these neighborhoods, or have a free local tour, just ask us! It is what we specialize in, and have been doing so since 2005!
Ardenwald Johnson Creek Neighborhood” is a neighborhood straddling the border between Portland and Milwaukie, Oregon. It is recognized by both Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement as well as Milwaukie’s Neighborhoods Program. It is just outside of Sellwood, so easy to get to one of Portland’s favorite neighborhoods. Read More…
The East side of Portland is the older part of the city- with lots of awesome historic homes full of charm and character, tree lined streets and little neighborhood business areas with local restaurants, pubs, cafes and shops. Read More…
Brooklyn Neighborhood:is located along the east side of the Willamette River, south of Powell, mostly north of Holgate and out to about SE 26th Ave. It is mostly residential, although there is some commercial and industrial in the blocks closest to the river. It is an older neighborhood- alot of the houses built in the early 1900’s- Read more about Brooklyn and it’s history. It’s really interesting! Read More…
Buckman Neighborhood: Buckman is an eclectic, quirky, neighborhood close to the Hawthorne District-really close in to downtown, a mix of huge gorgeous old Portland homes, Craftsmans, Victorian, Bungalows, and……some restored and some unrestored! There are also duplexes, condos, shops, restaurants, boutiques, cafes and as you head towards the river, you run into industrial and local businesses. Read More…
Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood: Creston goes from SE 26th out to Foster Rd, and it is between Powell and Holgate- so it isn’t too far from Reed College- really close to downtown…just go across the Ross Island Bridge. It has alot of commercial and a little industrial close to the river- but it also has alot of cute little older homes in quiet neighborhoods. So it’s a good place to live if you want to live close in to Portland and not be in any of the trendy neighborhoods. Read More…
Division/Clinton is a new neighborhood that is technically part of Hosford/Abernathy It has gotten very popular since 2018 and Division is actually called “eat street” because of all the restaurants they have added recently. It is such a fun place to gather with friends. Read More…
Eastmoreland is one of the most beautiful SE Portland Neighborhoods, it’s tree lined streets winding through the gentle hills, past gorgeous historic homes that were built in the early 1900s. It is like entering another world, almost a fantasy world of Old English homes set up on little hills overlooking the street below, or huge Tudor styled homes set back from the street with huge lawns and gardens. It is what people dream of when they think of Portland’s historic homes, and ancient trees with branches hanging over the streets- giving it an aura of magic. Read More…
Foster-Powell Neighborhood (FoPo) is the newest hot neighborhood in Portland in 2017! It is still really affordable so young families and first time home buyers are going nuts buying in this neighborhood right now. This has helped to create a new and vibrant community. It has changed so much over the last couple years and it continues to get better every month. Homes are getting fixed up or flipped on every corner. I always wondered why it took so long for this area to be discovered. There are so many cute historic homes on quiet little streets, that were just waiting to be restored! Read More…
Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood: Hosford Abernathy’s boundaries are SE Hawthorne to the north, Powell to the south, the river to the west and SE 29th to the east. It borders on the Brooklyn and the Hawthorne District to the north, Buckman to the south, and Richmond to the east. As you go south and west, the neighborhood becomes more commercial and industrial- but as it goes north and east it is really hot! Ladds Addition is right in the middle of it. Read More…
Ladds Addition is a really cool little area just west of the Hawthorne District of SE Portland Neighborhoods – bordered on the north by SE Hawthorne, the south, Division- the east is SE 20th and the west is SE 12th Ave. It has a main center circle planted with all kinds of bushes, flowers and other plants- the streets angle out from that circle to form a windmill kind of shape- Each arm has a smaller circle filled with rose bushes. Read More…
Laurelhurst is a neighborhood of vintage homes and winding curving streets surrounding Laurelhurst Park, straddling the NE and SE sections of Portland. One of the landmarks of Portland are the historic concrete arches that lead into Laurelhurst as you are heading north on SE 39th, and pass over Stark, you will suddenly enter through into a beautiful neighborhood of tree-lined streets, gorgeous homes- each unique with tons of charm, winding streets and a huge beautiful park. This is Laurelhurst Park- bought by the city in 1911, it is made up of 26 acres of lawn, trees, trails etc, and has a 3 acre spring fed pond. Read More…
Lents Neighborhood: Lents has an awesome future! It’s a great place to buy if you want to build equity. And that means it is coming back into its own- because back in the late 1800’s when it was first established, it was established in 1892! Now it is in the middle of a 15 year Urban Renewal plan that will completely change its face- with no cost or low cost loans available for home improvements, starting businesses and more. And the Max is scheduled to come through Lents with 3 stops right in this neighborhood! Just take a look at what happened to N Portland, and you will see where I am coming from. Click here to learn more about Lents, find cool links to parks, schools, bike paths, urban renewal and more plus photos and maps. Read More…
Montavilla Neighborhood was in the top 10 most popular SE Portland Neighborhoods in the country in October 2017, according to The Lonely Planet survey! That is amazing! Montavilla has been getting more and more popular every year, but to be in the top best neighborhoods in the country? Wow! This neighborhood lays across both SE and NE Portland, and goes behind Mt Tabor. Read More…
Mt Scott-Arleta Neighborhood: The Mount Scott-Arleta neighborhood is located in Southeast Portland. It’s boundaries are SE 60th to SE 82nd and Foster to the north, with Woodstock to the south. It is bordered by the Woodstock, Creston-Kenilworth, Foster-Powell, Lents, and Brentwood-Darlington neighborhoods. It is within 10-15 minutes of downtown Portland- has some houses with views of the city- It isn’t a hot area- but it’s a solid good family neighborhood. Read More…
Mt Tabor is a 600 foot butte in the middle of east Portland- it used to be an old volcano! In fact it is the only one of two extinct volcanos in the United States that is in the city limits of a major city! The other one is in Bend , Oregon . Mt Tabor is now a beautiful park with walking trails, picnic areas, and breathtaking viewpoints, sports areas and woods. The Mt Tabor and South Tabor neighborhoods are just to the west of this butte. Read More…
North Tabor Neighborhood runs into Montavilla. It goes from Mt Tabor north to about Glisan or Burnside. There is a great farmers market on Stark behind Mt Tabor, and a trendy area of restaurants, pubs and shops. There are lots of cute historic homes in this area as well as mid century and new homes. Read More…
Reed Neighborhood: The Reed Neighborhood is the area that was built around Reed College in SE Portland bordered by Sellwood-West Moreland, Brooklyn, Creston-Kenilworth, Woodstock, and Eastmoreland neighborhoods. and has cool historic home with old growth tree lined streets and classic Portland architecture. It is almost like a college town, with all the amenities and personality you would have, but it is just a neighborhood! Read More…
Richmond Neighborhood: includes Hawthorne Division area. The Hawthorne District runs along Hawthorne- mostly south of it – from about 28 th to 44 th . It is not a designated neighborhood- but is one of the most popular areas of Portland . It is technically part of the Richmond neighborhood. The Hawthorne area is just packed with trendy shops, restaurants, cafes, book stores, art galleries, massage, tattoo, acupuncture and other alternative treatments and other cool things- some really unique and creative, others outlandish. Read More…
Sellwood-Moreland NeighborhoodL is the farthest south neighborhood on the east side bordered by the Willamette River to the west, the train tracks to the east, Brooklyn neighborhood to the north and Milwaukie to the south. The Sellwood Bridge connects John’s Landing to Sellwood, so it is easy to get into downtown SW Portland. The bridge is a really cool old concrete bridge- really narrow and picturesque- bike riders, joggers and walkers are always going across it. It is our favorite neighborhood in Portland! Read More…
South Tabor Neighborhood: South Tabor is a neighborhood of SE Portland Neighborhoods, Oregon in the United States. The neighborhood is bounded by SE Division, Powell, 52nd, and 82nd Avenues or bordered by theRichmond, Mt Tabor, Powellhurst Gilbert and Foster Powell neighborhoods. It is getting more and more popular as Portland pushes outward to the east. There are lots of cute older homes, mid century homes and new ones being built. Read More…
Sunnyside Neighborhood: Sunnyside is just north of Hawthorne from about SE 28th to SE 50th – where it runs into Mt Tabor. It’s north border is SE Stark- where it runs into Laurelhurst, and it’s south boundary is SE Hawthorne. It has two really cool, trendy, hip “sub-neighborhoods” in it- The Hawthorne District- which is the southern boundary of this neighborhood- and just 6 blocks north, there is SE Belmont. I’ve written a whole page about Hawthorne- you can click here to go to it and find all kinds of photos, links and maps. Belmont is a lot like Hawthorne- a little bit smaller- it’s a historic street full of boutiques and ethnic restaurants. Read More…
Woodstock Neighborhood is east of Westmoreland- on the other side of SE 39th. It is has cute little town center with cafes, shops and eateries. It’s official boundaries are SE 39th to the west, SE 60th to the east, SE Holgate to the north and SE Claybourne and SE Henry to the South- with a long narrow section extending all the way to Johnson Creek. It is a very popular neighborhood of homes built from the early 1900s all the way to new homes being added today. The downtown area is amazing, with funky shops and awesome restaurants as well as grocery, bank and other. Read More…