North Portland Neighborhoods has done a complete about face in the past 10 years or so. It used to be run down, full of rentals and ramshackle homes, lots of crime and violence and gangs. That is how it was 20 yrs ago. Suddenly, in the early 2000’s, people began rediscovering the city; buying the old neglected homes and fixing them up, and slowly but surely the North Portland Neighborhoods began to revive. In 2004, the new Max Yellow Line opened in North Portland Neighborhoods, connecting this part of Portland to downtown, and with it came cute little cafes, restaurants and shops, and people who wanted an easy commute to downtown! The city of Portland went on to spend more money doing a major urban renewal in North Portland. They lent out money for remodels of single family residences, rental units and even commercial and business properties. The renewal escalated! More and more people moved into North Portland Neighborhoods, restoring the old houses, and building new ones, and the area did a metamorphosis, like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon.

Now North Portland Neighborhoods are vibrant, full of life and sizzling hot! It has many different types of neighborhoods, like the trendy funky Mississippi area with local art, eateries, pubs, cafes, ice cream places, garden places and the rebuilding center, or the historic Kenton area that has a really cute little downtown area, a big park and the MAX train stop with it’s large historic homes on Denver to it’s little bungalows and cottages that were originally built for the workers in the mills and other businesses that were in N Portland. There is also St Johns and the St John’s Bridge, with it’s historic renovated shops, restaurants and farmers market, and Overlook Neighborhood, that is built around the overlook walkway looking out over the Willamette River to Forest Park, the Willamette River and the city skyline in the distance. The University of Portland is out in this area too, and between St Johns and Williams, North Portland Neighborhoods are filled with individual palces; each one with it’s own local shops and restaurants and hang out places!
Arbor Lodge neighborhood, Portland, is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Portland. It is full of historic homes, little shops and coffee houses, and the MAX light rail runs right through it. People walk and bike everywhere, and you are close to the Overlook walkway that looks across the Willamette River towards the city of Portland. You can see the river, the west hills, and even downtown Portland and Mt Hood from one part of it! Read More…
Mississippi is the common name that Portlanders use for this neighborhood- but Boise is the official name, spilling north into Humboldt and south a little bit into Elliot. This is one of the hottest neighborhoods in Portland right now- with trendy shops, cafes and eateries, plus an area of Food Carts. There are also lots of really cool old houses- some gorgeous! And it’s just a few blocks to the MAX on Interstate! Read More…
When I first came to this area several years ago I searched and searched for waterfront parks. The only one I could find was Cathedral Park- It has a Boat dock dog off-leash area paved paths picnic tables and stage for summer concerts. This park is believed to be a Lewis and Clark expedition landing site. Read More…
East Columbia can be either really bad if you are talking about the slum area down by Gertz Circle or can be beautiful if you are talking about being on the river or in the surrounding farmland or the brand new high class Neighborhoods springing up. Or it can be in-between when you are in Mariners Loop area pretty houses all squished together with tiny yards all out there by themselves really close to the river! Read More…
Hayden Island is an actual Island found in the Columbia River between Vancouver and Portland. The wide main channel of the Columbia passes between Washington and Oregon. To the south, flows a smaller channel, and creates Hayden Island. It is considered N Portland. The Columbia River is the 4th largest river in the United States! It is pretty amazing! Read More…
As you drive up Interstate and come towards Denver Interstate crosses the Max Tracks at Columbia this is Kenton! You can see all the little shopping areas and the Max stop is right there! Keep going on Denver make your first right and at the end of the street you will see Kenton Park. It’s a big beautiful park lined with huge old growth trees and it’s a good place for walking on the trails playing baseball basketball or other sports walking your dog or just laying in the sun. Read More…
As you are heading west along busy bustling Killingsworth, you dead end at the Overlook, and if it is a clear day, and look out over the bluff and continue on Willamette Drive, you are suddenly hit with a spectacular view of the Willamette River, the west hills, the bridges, downtown Portland and Mt Hood, almost like it is floating above in a mist because it is so far away. People of all ages and sizes are walking and biking all along the way. This is Overlook. You will also see big beautiful houses. Craftsman Colonial and Bungalows even New Orleans French along wide tree lined streets. If you keep going you will get to the University of Portland. Read More…
When I first started showing homes in Piedmont, I was struck by the beauty of the historic homes that I found here. You could tell that when it was built, it was a high class place to live! There are beautiful Craftsman, Four Square, Old PDX style, historic farm houses and bungalows, many with spectacular character and detail. The streets are quiet and tree lined, with sidewalks; creating an environment that encourages people to walks and bike! Many of the streets have alleys that go between the back yards of the houses, some opening up to garages. Read More…
A lot of young couples and families live here, and while it’s still at the beginning of its transition and there are still some rough areas, as with most urban areas of Portland, it is up-and-coming, houses are being fixed up and price are increasing. There is a lot of diversity here, with many immigrants from a wide range of places. There are also a lot of children living in Portsmouth, and lots of parks in and near the neighborhood. Read More…
The location is amazing. It is at the gateway to Forest Park, just across the St John’s Bridge. If you take Highway 30 just a little ways to the north, you come to Sauvie’s Island, a wonderful place with farms, beaches and bike paths, that extends between the Columbia River and the Columbia slough, all the way out to St Helens! If you go 10 minutes the other way, you are in downtown Portland! If you stay in St Johns, you have a vibrant town with cafes, restaurants and shops plus it’s own farmer market. Read More…
University Park is a great neighborhood if you want something more affordable and you like the old Portland homes. There are also a lot of mid-century homes with full basements that work great for airbnb. It is about 12-15 blocks from the downtown area of St Johns. You are pretty close to the St. John’s Bridge which is a cool short cut that goes from North Portland to downtown and NW Portland. The MAX is a little too far to walk but you can connect to it with buses or ride your bike. There are sweeping views if you are on Willamette Blvd looking across the river of Forest Park and Downtown. Read More…
Mississippi is the common name that Portlanders use for this neighborhood- but Boise is the official name, spilling north into Humboldt and south a little bit into Elliot. This is one of the hottest neighborhoods in Portland right now- with trendy shops, cafes and eateries, plus an area of Food Carts. There are also lots of really cool old houses- some gorgeous! And it’s just a few blocks to the MAX on Interstate! Read More…